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Testimonials from students

At Alan Whitcombe Driving School, we find the positive feedback from our students to be the most fulfilling aspect. To get a glimpse of what it's like to take one of our courses, please read through some of the testimonials below.

Recent Reviews

Female student holding pass certificate

"I had a fantastic experience with my driving instructor. They were patient, knowledgeable, and made me feel comfortable behind the wheel. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to improve their driving skills."

- Megan

Male student holding pass certificate

"Alan is an amazing instructor. He is extremely patient with his students and always knows the best way to help students understand everything that is needed to pass your test. The amazing quality of lessons allowed me to pass my test first time with zero faults.
Would highly recommend."

- Jack

Female student holding pass certificate

"Alan provided a great learning experience on the road during lessons, and was very supportive in allowing me to tailor my lessons to areas I needed to work on. Was able to learn to drive effectively and pass first time - thank you!"

- Joyce

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